Regenerative Farming Practices
Many Industrial agricultural techniques such as deep tilling and an overuse of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, have diminished the soil’s natural ability to capture carbon from the atmosphere. This means that the CO2 that would normally be drawn down into a healthy, carbon-fuelled soil, is now staying in the atmosphere and contributing to the warming planet. At Segla we desire to be part of this change, by practicing sustainable and regenerative farming practices wherever possible.
By using regenerative practices, we aim to improve soil health and function, reboot plant activity and enable nature to rebalance our property. Regenerative techniques include using cover crops and perennials to protect the soil, no tilling, no pesticides nor synthetic fertilisers, and multiple crop rotations which include bringing grazing animals to the land in ways that minimises their footprint.
Regenerative agriculture also offers many benefits beyond carbon storage, in that it also increases the soil’s water holding capacity, reduces soil erosion, protects the purity of groundwater and sets up the grasses to thrive and to become more disease and pest resilient.
This kind of farming methodology we believe improves human health by increasing the nutritional value of our food as well as benefiting the health of our planet.